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MCG: MatID_Swap & MatID_Offset

Download MCG: MatID_SwapDownload MCG: MatID_Offset


This modifier let you change the current Material with a new MaterialID.
You can swap upto 10 sets of IDs at once.
the following image shows that the MaterialID on the teapot has been changed from..
1 -> 2
2 -> 3
3 -> 4
4 -> 1
If you set From to 0, the ID set would not be used.

This modifier also support the cache of updated MaterialID assignment.
If you turn on cache, this modifier will cache calculated MaterialID assignment once and reuse it until you force to update the cache.
Therefore, when you change the value, DO NOT turn on this option.
To refresh the cache, turn off cache and turn ON and OFF forceCacheUpdate.



This modifier let you offset MaterialID numbers.
If you had MaterialID 1, 2, 3, 7 and set Offset amount as 4, you will have 5, 6, 7, 11.

If you want to start MaterialID at a specific number, you can turn on Use Absolute StartID checkbox and set the Start ID spinner.
Then this modifier will automatically calculate offset number and apply them.

For the above case, you can turn on Use Absolute StartID checkbox and set StartID 5.
