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3dsMax 2022.3 Highlights

3dsMax 2022.3 has been released with new/improved features and fixes. Here are some highlights. Please check Unofficial 3dsMax What’s New for all 3dsMax updates in detail!

Advanced Wood OSL shader

As an OSL shader, UVW can be modified with external shaders, and a random seed can be driven to have per-object variations.It is also fully supported in a ‘High Quality’ viewport and will render exactly the same on any OSL capable renderer.

Per-Viewport Filtering

You can hide/unhide objects by category or by class per each viewport. Each viewport’s settings can be set independently from one another, giving you the flexibility to display what you need in a given viewport. Per-Viewport Filtering does not affect the scene or renderer. User can copy/paste filter setting between viewport. Shift+K to toggle on and off the viewport filter Full MXS exposure with ViewportFilter interface. Per view settings/preference dialog is modeless and dockable now.

Pipeline Integration

You can control most 3dsMax path with environment variables. This reduce the need of extra file deployment. It also allow you have more flexible setup like different plugin configuration for same version easily.Support for Environment Variable Tokens in Paths found in Configuration Files.

Occlude mode – marquee(box)/paint selection support

High-polling rate mouse fix

Save Performance Improvement 2

We got the second round of file save performance improvement.,This is the sheet I made during beta testing. As you can see, 2022.3 saving is 20-40% faster on top of 2022.2. The % number in the table is how much it is improved. So, 100% means 2 times faster. 200% means 3 times faster.You can see some of big files are saving more than 4 times faster than 3dsMax 2016.

Autodesk Official Site
3dsMax 2022 What’s New
3dsMax 2022
Release Notes
Maxscript What’s New

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