It seems everybody loves the new multiple image drag and drop to Slate material editor in 3dsMax 2024.1.
As I mentioned in the video. You can make own function for the new callback. Here is an example script that supports VRay, Corona, Arnold and OSL map. You can add this as a startup script folder. It will auto-detect VRay, Corona, Arnold, FStorm, Octane, Redshift and make a native image loader for each renderer. If you edit as “local useOSL = true”, it will generate OSL UberBitmap.
Here is the download Download - Updated to 1.2
Here is the code.
-- cs_sme_drop v1.1 -- by Changsoo Eun -- ( local maxver = (maxversion()) if maxver.count > 7 and maxver[8] > 2023 and maxver[5] > 0 then ( fn cs_sme_drop test urls pos = ( if not test then ( for f in urls do ( -- Set this to true if you want OSL UberBitmap local useOSL = false local amap = (bitmaptexture()) amap.filename = f if useOSL then ( amap = (osl_UberBitmap2b()) amap.filename = f ) else ( if Corona != undefined and ((classof renderers.current) == Corona) then ( amap = (CoronaBitmap()) amap.filename = f ) if vray != undefined and (matchpattern (renderers.current as string) pattern:"*v_ray*") then ( amap = (vrayhdri()) amap.HDRIMapName = f ) if (matchpattern (renderers.current as string) pattern:"*FStorm*") then ( amap = (FStormBitmap()) amap.filename = f ) if (matchpattern (renderers.current as string) pattern:"*octane*") then ( amap = (RGB_image()) amap.filename = f ) if (matchpattern (renderers.current as string) pattern:"*redshift*") then ( amap = (RS_Bitmap()) amap.tex0_filename = f ) if Arnold != undefined and ((classof renderers.current) == Arnold) then ( amap = (ai_image()) amap.filename = f ) ) if useOSL then ( pos.x += 100 ) else( pos.y += 100 ) = (getFilenameFile f) (sme.getview sme.activeview).createnode amap pos ) ) true ) sme.fileDropCallback = cs_sme_drop ) else ( messagebox "3dssMax 2024.1+ is required" ) )